ID: Iditarod Team Rosters

Leading out Aliy and the Red Team this morning is Scout and Waylon, Quito and Nacho will be in swing, then Izzy and Scooter, Chica and Scruggs, Mismo and Nelson, Mac and Outlaw, Schmoe and Sissy then Clyde and Willie in wheel. Aliy has an age range from eight year old siblings: Quito, Nacho and Chica to a bunch of three year olds Izzy, Mismo, Nelson, Outlaw and Clyde. Nelson is the only Iditarod rookie on her team.

Nelson is running his first Iditarod while Chica will run her seventh!

Leading Allen and the Black Team is Kodiak and Junior with Boondocks and Beemer in swing, then Lester and Viper, Biscuit and Dutch, Felix and Chemo, Commando and Driver, Chipper and Pepe with Olivia and Sandy in wheel. Allen's team has a bigger age spread with Biscuit at nine years old to yearling Commando! He has eight Iditarod rookies: Kodiak, Junior, Dutch, Commando, Driver, Chipper, Pepe and Sandy.

Biscuit runs his eighth Iditarod and Commando his first!

Note: check out the Team Roster page for more information about each of the canine athletes in the team!